Laszlo Lengyel: The Last Peaceful Days?
Resume: The economic and political crisis of 2008-2010 has had an unexpected impact by calling into question the success of the third wave of democratization in Europe.
Resume: The economic and political crisis of 2008-2010 has had an unexpected impact by calling into question the success of the third wave of democratization in Europe.
2 августа 2011
Ласло Лендьел
Государства ЦВЕ: конец иллюзий о золотом веке
Ласло Лендьел – генеральный директор Института финансовых исследований (Будапешт, Венгрия).
Резюме: Возможно, скоро мы будем вспоминать период до 2012 г. как последний относительно длительный мирный период, в течение которого вооруженные силы преимущественно сокращали, боевые ракеты в основном демонтировали, а отношения России с соседними странами скорее «оттаивали». И когда восточноевропейские страны являлись не фронтовой полосой, а мирной и уютной территорией.
Financial Research Working Papers, July 2011
The article was published in Global Affairs:
The Last Peaceful Days? - Central and Eastern Europe: The End of Illusions about the Golden Age (in Russian: Последние мирные дни?) In: Global Affairs, July-August, 2011 (pp 102-115)
Keywords?Eastern Europe, Russia, International Relations, Economic Crisis
Gabor Fodor and the Free Democrats rejected the Gyurcsany package. They were right in grasping that only one sentence of this programme needed to be taken seriously: "If Parliament does not accept this programme, I will resign." The Socialist Party's leaders have now either to support Gyurcsany and his package, or they have to persuade Gyurcsany to resign from the prime minister ship, remaining party leader until the next congress. The second course of events is in the country's interest: a convincing government with a convincing prime minister.
One important explanation for the differences to be observed in the acceptance and expansion of the new technical culture may be sought in the divergent socio-economic environments in various countries. It is therefore important systematically to describe the system which basically influences acceptance and usage of the new technology and the efficiency generated by the new technology, i.e. competitiveness.
The efficiency and international competitiveness of the Hungarian economy can thus be improved if institutions capable of promoting technical development are established and reinforced, together with related systems capable of facilitating the creation of novelties and the dissemination of new technologies. Research and its tools make a contribution to this.
Regardless of attempts by protestant German and Catholic Polish bishops to reconcile, regardless of Brandt's kneeling in Warsaw, of Germany's support for Poland's membership of NATO and the EU, there is still no reconciliation, and no Europeanisation. Today, we are further from reconciliation than 20 years ago. And there is no Polish-Russian, German-Czech, Romanian-Hungarian or Slovak-Hungarian reconciliation either, let alone Serb-Croat or Serb-Albanian reconciliation. Endless rounds of new wounds.