Könyvek és könyvfejezetek

Idegen nyelven


  • "Strengthening and Upgrading Regional Knowledge Capabilities in Hungary" (co-author/társszerző: L. Csonka) in Walter Leal Filho, Marzenna Weresa (eds./szerk.) Fostering Innovation and Knowledge Transfer in European Regions, pp. 109-132, Peter Lang GmbH, Frankfurt.


  • "R&D and Innovation Activities in the "Small is Beautiful" Sector" in Walter Leal Filho, Marzenna Weresa (eds.) Economic and Technological Dimensions of National Innovation Systems, pp. 71-94, Németország
  • "Indicators in Policy Deliberations" in Inzelt, A., G. Zaman and S. Sandu (eds.) "Science and technology policy lessons for CEE countries", pp. 73-101, Expert Publishing House, Romania


  • "Foreign involvement in acquiring and producing new knowledge: The case of Hungary" in: (eds. Cantwell J., Molero J.) Multinational Enterprises Innovative Strategies and Systems of Innovation, pp.234-268, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK
  • "Innovation process in Hungary" in: (ed/szerk. L. V. Shavinina) International Handbook on Innovation Pergamon Publishers, Forthcoming/ megjelenés alatt, Carleton University, Canada


    • 2002 "The evolution of university- industry- government relationships during transition" in (eds/ szerk Balázs Borsi, Gábor Papanek and Theodorus Papaioannou) Industry Relationships for Accession States Centres of Excellence in Higher Education, pp. 75-95, Budapest, Hungary
    • "Restructuring and Financing R&D: New Partnerships" in: Attila Varga and László Szerb (eds/szerk.) Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Regions and Economic Development: International Experiences and Hungarian Challenges, pp. 27-50, University of Pécs, Hungary, Pécs
    • Innovation in promising Economies (introduction and editing, co-editor: L. Auriol) AULA Publisher Ltd. Budapest, Hungary


      • "Changing Innovation System of Economies in Transition" (co-author Balogh, T.) in: EOLSS-UNESCO Encyclopedia,
      • "Fostering an Innovative Society in a Fellow Traveler Country" in: Conceicao P, Heitor M, Gann D, Gibson D, Martins, R. Shariq S, Xuelim C (eds./szerk.) Opportunities and the Challenges for the Knowledge Economy: Science, Technology and Innovation Policy pp 269-282, Quorum Books, Westport, Connecticut
        Részletei olvashatók
      • "Transformation of the Relationship among the Actors in R&D as Reflected by Financing" in: Conceicao P., Gibson D., Heitor M., Stolp C. (eds./szerk.) Systems and Policies for the Globalized Learning Economy Westport, Connecticut Quorum Books pp. (chapter 16)


        • ?Science, Technology and Innovation: Institutional and Behavioural Conditions for Innovative Industrial Development? in: (eds./szerk.: Brigitta Widmaier and Wolfgang Potratz) Frameworks for Industrial Policy in Central and Eastern Europe pp. 163-192. Ashgate International Publishing, Aldershot, UK
        • ?Are Transition Countries ?Insiders? or ?Outsiders? of the Knowledge Based Economies?? in: Technology Transfer: From Invention to Innovation (co-editor: Jan Hilton) pp. 3-21. Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands
        • Technology Transfer: From Invention to Innovation (introduction and editing co-editor Jan Hilton) Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands
        • ?Transformation Role of FDI in R&D: Analysis Based on a Databank? in: (eds. David Dyker and Slavo Radosevic) Innovation and Structural Change in Post-Socialist Countries: A Quantitative Approach pp 185-201, Kluwer Academic Publisher, The Netherlands


        • Biotechnology Audit of Hungary. Analysis of Strength and Weaknesses of Biotechnology in Selected Sectors (co-authors Reiss, T és Bross U.), Physica-Verlag Heidelberg, Germany
        • ?Institutional Transfer in a Post-Socialist Country: the case of the Bay Zoltán Foundation for Applied Research and institutes? ATAS XI, UNCTAD, pp. 115-148, New York and Geneva


        • Knowledge, Technology Transfer and Forecasting (introduction and editing, co-editor Coenen, Reinhard) Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands


        • Innovation, Competition, Competitiveness (introduction and editing) IKU, Budapest.
        • ?To Help or not to Help Asymmetrical Cooperation? (co-author: János Vince) in: Innovation, Competition, Competitiveness, IKU, Budapest


        • Developments in a Spiritless age of Reform (Case studies, 1 Polish and 5 Hungarian enterprises 1981-1987 (Introduction and editing) TGF Budapest.

        Magyar nyelven


        • "A vállalat eladói helyzete mint struktúraváltozást befolyásoló tényező" (The supplier position of enterprise as an influencing factor of structural change) in: (eds: Gáspár Tamás) A természetnek, a művészetnek, a tudománynak nevében, (In the name of nature, art and science) BKÁE Jövőkutatási Központ, Budapest, 170-187. oldal


        • Bevezetés az innováció menedzsmentbe (Az innováció közgazdaságtana és a technomenedzsment kapcsolata) (Introduction to Innovation Management, The relations between the economics of innovation and technomanagement) (introduction and editing/ szerkesztés, bevezetés), Műszaki Könyvkiadó, Budapest
        • ?A nemzeti innovációs rendszerek? (National innovation Systems) in: Bevezetés az innováció menedzsmentbe (introduction and editing), Műszaki Könyvkiadó, Budapest, pp. 58-73.


        • Rendellenességek az ipar szervezetében (Abnormalities in the Organization of Industry) Közgazdasági és Jogi Könyvkiadó, Budapest.
        • ?Vállalkozások a szocializmusban, Magyar tapasztalatok? (Ventures in the Socialism, Hungarian experiences) in: A szocialista gazdasági reform alternatívái, Emlékkötet Bognár József akadémikus 70. születésnapja tiszteletére, pp. 67-71.


        • Lehetőség, kockázat, valóság (Chance, Risk, Reality - case studies) (Introduction and editing), Közgazdasági és Jogi Könyvkiadó, Budapest


        • Miért rugalmasak? Nyolc gépipari szövetkezet példája (Why are they Flexible? Survey of eight Engineering industrial cooperatives) (co-author: Robert Becsky) Kossuth Könyvkiadó, Budapest.


        • Versenyképesség és az ipari struktúra változása (Competitiveness and Changes in the Industrial structure) Közgazdasági és Jogi Könyvkiadó, Budapest.