Hungarian Academy of Sciences

The main tendencies in regulating competition 2005-2007 (Chapter fragment of the analysis entitled "Middle-term prognosis for the Hungarian economy"), commissioned by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

2005 (Éva Voszka)

Freedom for economic competition is considered to be in the public interest both in national and European Union opinion. The creation and maintenance of undistorted prerequisites for competition are protected by laws and authorities. Principles which appear clear at first glance, however, are burdened by severe theoretical and practical dilemmas, generally linked to state intervention and more precisely to the potential contradictions between competition and competitiveness. The competitiveness of companies can be strengthened not only by intensifying competition, but also at the cost of distorting it. The study presents the main features of competition regulation in Hungary established by 2004, the changes in the European Union regulations directly before and simultaneous with expansion, and the main trends to be expected in the coming years. It also outlines the further steps necessary for adaptation and for grasping opportunities.