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?R&D and Innovation Activities in the ?Small is Beautiful? Sector? in W. L. Filho, M. Weresa (eds.) Economic and Technological Dimensions of National Innovation Systems pp. 71-94. Germany order
?Indicators in Policy Deliberations? A. Inzelt, G. Zaman, S. Sandu (eds.) ?Science and technology policy lessons for CEE countries? pp. 73-101, Expert Publishing House, Romanian
?Foreign involvement in acquiring and producing new knowledge: The case of Hungary? in J. Cantwell, J. Molero (eds.) Multinational Enterprises Innovative Strategies and Systems of Innovation, pp.234-268, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK
?Innovation process in Hungary? in L. V. Shavinina (ed.) International Handbook on Innovation pp, 859-872. Pergamon Publishers, Carleton University, Canada order
?The evolution of university- industry- government relationships during transition? in B. Borsi, G. Papanek, T. Papaioannou (eds.) Industry Relationships for Accession States Centres of Excellence in Higher Education pp. 75-95. Budapest, Hungary
?Restructuring and Financing R&D: New Partnerships? in A. Varga, L. Szerb (eds.) Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Regions and Economic Development: International Experiences and Hungarian Challenges pp. 27-50. University of Pécs, Hungary, Pécs
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?Changing Innovation System of Economies in Transition? (co-author T. Balogh) EOLSS-UNESCO Encyclopedia
?Fostering an Innovative Society in a Fellow Traveler Country? in P. Conceicao, M. Heitor, D. Gann, D. Gibson, R. Martins, R. Shariq, C. Xuelim (eds.) Opportunities and the Challenges for the Knowledge Economy: Science, Technology and Innovation Policy pp. 269-282. Quorum Books, Westport, Connecticut, USA
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