Csonka László

Guest lecture by Prof. Henry Etzkowitz (US)

On 18th April Prof. Henry Etzkowitz, President of the Triple Helix Association and Director of the International Triple Helix Institution was the guest of 25 year old IKU Innovation Research Centre where he gave a lecture on the “Triple Helix Innovations in a Crisis Era”, chaired by Prof. A. Inzelt.

The event has attracted a diverse audience from University of Szeged, Szechenyi Istvan Uinversity Győr, University of Pécs, Semmelweis University, Óbuda University  research organisations (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, RCISD), , public agency (NKFIH) and business sphere (Spad Kft). 

Participation in IKU projects

"Responsible Research and Innovation in a Distributed Anticipatory Governance Frame. A Constructive Socio-normative Approach", Monitoring of RRI (EC GA Nr: 321427)

Lead researcher of "A hálózatok szerepe az innovációs tevékenységekben" (Role of networks in innovation activities), financed by OTKA PD101410.

(Cherry)blossoming R&D ? study tour in Japan

In the framework of the collaboration between IKU Innovation Research Centre and Ritsumeikan University, László Csonka PhD has been invited by Prof. Hiroshi Tanaka to Japan for two weeks. This visit provided great opportunity to study the R&D and innovation system of Japan and collect adaptable experiences for Hungary. Another important result of the stay were the lectures held by László Csonka, who gave talk at the Nippon, Rykkio and Hitotsubashi universities about the R&D and innovation networks in the Hungarian automotive industry.

Contribution to IKU studies

?Chances of Hungarian SMEs in the age of globalizing knowledge-economies? (NKTH Innotárs programme, project acronym: KKVENT_8) analysing the internationalisation of R&D and innovation among Hungarian SMEs in the information technology sector, 2008-2010.

?Feasibility Study for Creating a European University Data Collection? (EC tender, RTD/C/C4/2009/0233402), collection and review of data on Hungarian higher education institutions, 2009-2010.

Presentations at conferences


?R&D and innovation networks in the Hungarian automotive industry?, Innovation Forum, Hitotsubashi University, 2011. február 4, Tokyo, Japán / 4 February 2011, Tokyo, Japan



?Regional University Knowledge Centres with global focus??, The 10th Ernestas Galvanauskas? International Scientific Conference: Increasing Regional Competitiveness: Interaction between Science and Business, 2010. november 18-19, Siauliai, Litvánia / 18-19 November, 2010, Siauliai, Lithuania