Internationalisation of innovative SMEs in the Hungarian medical precision instruments industry
Recently an article about Hungarian SMEs by Magdolna Sass has been published in the Journal Post-Communist Economies with the title: Internationalisation of innovative SMEs in the Hungarian medical precision instruments industry. It is based on the research done by IKU's KKVENT project.
Internationalisation of innovative SMEs in the Hungarian medical precision instruments industry
Recently an article about Hungarian SMEs by Magdolna Sass has been published in the Journal Post-Communist Economies with the title: Internationalisation of innovative SMEs in the Hungarian medical precision instruments industry. It is based on the research done by IKU's KKVENT project.
Dr. György Surányi: Hungary Hits the Wall
Summary of a speech given by Dr. Surányi at the annual meeting of the Financial Research Institute in Visegrád, Hungary on the 28th of October, 2011
Financial Research Working Papers, October 2011
Fiscal responses to the economic downturn in Eastern Europe in 2010-11
An economic downturn boosts demand for fiscal rebalancing. It can come either in the form of increased revenues or as spending cuts. Extra revenues can be generated in two major ways: 1) increasing traditional forms of taxes or 2) hitherto unknown, or unorthodox revenue raising, special taxes and levies. Latter was especially dominant in the case of Hungary.
Direction of change in the pension systems in Eastern Europe
Pension costs are a considerable expenditure of every government and are not sustainable in their present form. The crisis has brought it to attention ? but arguably not to the degree it would necessitate. Structural changes to the pension systems are thus rare and hard to come by. Most countries have started minor changes in the system, adjusted their pension ages, indexed the pension age to life expectancy or pension payments to pension contribution (defined contribution plans ?
Laszlo Lengyel: The Last Peaceful Days?
Resume: The economic and political crisis of 2008-2010 has had an unexpected impact by calling into question the success of the third wave of democratization in Europe.
Последние мирные дни?
2 августа 2011
Ласло Лендьел
Государства ЦВЕ: конец иллюзий о золотом веке
Ласло Лендьел – генеральный директор Института финансовых исследований (Будапешт, Венгрия).
Резюме: Возможно, скоро мы будем вспоминать период до 2012 г. как последний относительно длительный мирный период, в течение которого вооруженные силы преимущественно сокращали, боевые ракеты в основном демонтировали, а отношения России с соседними странами скорее «оттаивали». И когда восточноевропейские страны являлись не фронтовой полосой, а мирной и уютной территорией.
The dilemmas of Central Eastern Europe
Financial Research Working Papers, July 2011
The article was published in Global Affairs:
The Last Peaceful Days? - Central and Eastern Europe: The End of Illusions about the Golden Age (in Russian: Последние мирные дни?) In: Global Affairs, July-August, 2011 (pp 102-115)
Keywords?Eastern Europe, Russia, International Relations, Economic Crisis
IGI Award
The book "Nanotechnology and Microelectronics: Global Diffusion, Economics and Policy" received IGI Global 2010 Excellence in Technology Research 'Book of the Year' Award. In that book the chapter Collaborations in the Open Innovation Era ( pp. 61-86) is written by Annamária Inzelt (IKU-Innovatoin Research Centre/Financial Research Ltd, Hungary)