IKU News

Workshop on Belarus innovation system, Minsk, 6 October 2016

An international group of experts has prepared a review and policy recommendations in the framework of UNECE Innovation for Sustainable Development initiative on the request of the State Committee on Science and Technology of Belarus about the status and performance of the innovation system in Belarus. As member of the international expert group Dr. Annamária Inzelt, founding director of IKU, held a presentation on “Innovation in the enterprise sector”.

Towards the next generation of science, technology and innovation data and indicators

The Blue Sky III Forum “Towards the next generation of data and indicators” took place in Ghent, Belgium, 19-21 September, 2016. The recent progress in science, technology and innovation (STI) lead to challenges for STI measurement, too. Such challenges are the globally open innovation processes, worldwide changes in the funding of scientific research, active participation of less developed economies in STI, digitalization and use if IT in every aspect of life or changes driven by emerging scientific fields (biotechnology, nanotechnology).

Guest lecture by Prof. Henry Etzkowitz (US)

On 18th April Prof. Henry Etzkowitz, President of the Triple Helix Association and Director of the International Triple Helix Institution was the guest of 25 year old IKU Innovation Research Centre where he gave a lecture on the “Triple Helix Innovations in a Crisis Era”, chaired by Prof. A. Inzelt.

The event has attracted a diverse audience from University of Szeged, Szechenyi Istvan Uinversity Győr, University of Pécs, Semmelweis University, Óbuda University  research organisations (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, RCISD), , public agency (NKFIH) and business sphere (Spad Kft). 

New book on the innovation system by Annamária Inzelt

In June 2015 a new book in Hungarian by Dr. Annamária Inzelt has been published by the JATEPress. The volume titled „Az Innovációs Rendszer Néhány Metszete” (Some Segments of the Innovation System) contains 15 research articles of Dr. Inzelt published over the past three decades. An introductory chapter provides a synthesis of the content and guidance for those readers who are just targeting their interest towards these topics and times.

UNECE delegation in Belarus

An international conference was held in Belarus, organised by the UNECE and the State Committee on Science and Technology, Belarus. UNECE experts, among them Dr. Annamária Inzelt, has presented the main results and recommendations of the Innovation Performance Reviews from 2010-2015 to establish the collaboration with Belarus which is going to be the next country reviewed in 2016.

Innovation Systems, Theory, Policy and Actors

Scientific conference on INNOVATION SYSTEMS, THEORY, POLICY AND ACTORS was held on 29-30 November 2012 in Szeged, where Dr. Annamária Inzelt, who is also an honorary university professor at University of Szeged Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, gave one of the speeches in the plenary session. Two fellow-workers of the IKU gave presentations: Dr. László Csonka on ?Cooperation and Competition ? Networks in the Innovation System? and Brigitta Zsom on ?Investigation methods of the e-government as a competitiveness factor?.