Innovation and internationalization of SMEs

Main research results of the project "Chances of Hungarian SMEs in the globalizing knowledge economy" KKVENT_8 has been published in the latest issue of Külgazdaság



Annamária Inzelt: Innovation without borders (abstract)

Katalin Antalóczy ? Magdolna Sass: Internationalisation of small and medium-sized enterprises ? theory and empirical evidence (abstract)

László Csonka: R&D and innovation in the light of internationalization ? the case of Hungarian IT SMEs (abstract)

Magdolna Sass: Characteristics and a few factors of the internationalisation of Hungarian small and medium sized enterprises in the medical precision instruments sector (abstract)

Katalin Antalóczy ? György Imre Halász: Characteristics and internationalization of Hungarian small and medium size enterprises in biotechnology (abstract)

Zoltán Benke: The internationalisation of Hungarian small and medium sized enterprises in the engineering activities and technical research and development (abstract)

Annamária Inzelt: Innovation and internationalization in the sphere of small and medium-sized enterprises (Main findings of an e-survey) (abstact)

Brief Summary of the Articles
