János Atkári

Personal information

Name János Atkári
Position manager
E-mail atkari.janos@penzugykutato.hu
Date of birth November 26, 1946
Starting date of the present employment October 20, 2006


1965-1970 ELTE Faculty of Philosophy
1988-1989 Columbia University, New York

Employments, professional activity

1968-1970 leader of Studium Generale university preparatory school
1970 assistant professor at ELTE Faculty of Philosophy, English Department
1970-1972 secretary of the youth organisation at ELTE Faculty of Philosophy
1972-1973 freelance translator, part-time teacher (Táncsics Secondary Grammar School, High School of Foreign Trade), sociological research worker (Csepel Iron and Metal Works)
1973-1980 editor at Kossuth Publishing House, International Review
1979-1984 editor in chief at Kossuth Publishing House, International Almanach
1984-1986 assistant editor at World Economy
1987 editor at World Economy
1988-1990 assistant editor in chief at World Economy
1991 head of the press department at the Municipality of Budapest
1991-1994 chief of staff at the Municipality of Budapest
1994-2004 Fővárosi Önkormányzat Főpolgármesteri Hivatal, gazdasági főpolgármester-helyettes
2005-2006 deputy mayor at the Municipality of Budapest
2006- retired, manager at Pénzügykutató Rt.