

EUR-HUF exchange update

EUR-HUF exchange rate on 3 and 6 months and one year bases.

Source: MNB, Central Bank of Hungary

EUR-HUF 6 hónap

EUR-HUF 3 hónapos

EUR-HUF 1 éves Tovább»​​​​​​​

The blinkers in Budapest - The Economist

According to the announcement on September 8th by György Matolcsy, the national economy minister, that the country will aim for a 2011 budget deficit of 3 per cent of GDP is the first sign the government has given that it will not fight too many battles simultaneously.


But it would only take a new shock, a sharp increase in risk-aversion, or a further forint slide, to force the country to return to the IMF, but this time with no cards left to play.


As nationalism rises, will the European Union fall?

An article by Charles A. Kupchan

Europe is hardly headed back to war; its nations have lost their taste for armed rivalries. Instead, less dramatically but no less definitively, European politics will become less European and more national, until the E.U. becomes a union in name only. This may seem no great loss to some, but in a world that sorely needs the E.U.'s aggregate will, wealth and muscle, a fragmented and introverted Europe would constitute a historical setback.


To deal with the deficit, let the tax cuts expire - Fareed Zakaria

The "Bush tax cuts," passed in 2001 and 2003, remain the single largest cause of America's structural deficit -- that is, the deficit not caused by the collapse in tax revenue when the economy goes into recession.

Those cuts are set to expire this year.

I understand the fear that this is not a good time to raise taxes. But the impact of marginal shifts in tax rates on growth is pretty unclear. Tovább»​​​​​​​

Hungary Takes Feisty Tone with EU on Taking Private Pension Plans on the State Balance Sheet - WSJ

Ahead of Hungary?s municipal elections scheduled for October 3, the center-right government?s communication seems once again aimed at scoring points with the local public even at the expense of losing them in international relations.

The Wall Street Journal, 9 August, 2010 Tovább»​​​​​​​


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