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IKU Innovation Research Centre and Financial Research Plc
are glad to invite you to a workshop on
"Innovation in the public sector"
Budapest Business School, 1055 Budapest Markó u. 29-31. Budapest, Hungary
Date: 27-28 May, 2010
The event takes place in English with Hungarian interpretation on request.
The workshop will look at policy agendas for public sector innovation in the EU as a whole and in New Member States. The discussion will cover three fields of public sector, namely: health service, central government services and municipal services. The workshop will present a preliminary measurement framework, developed in the frame of DG Enterprise and Innovation and the OECD Taskforce on public sector innovation measurement.
The workshop is held in preapartion of the Hungarian EU presidency.
If planning to attend, please RSVP to Viktoria Wendl at with the enclosed registration sheet.
For preliminary agenda please see the attached files.