Financial Research Plc. has been present on the economic and business consultancy market since 1987, fulfilling commissions from companies, as well as central and local government. At the beginning, the focus of activity was on auditing state companies, evaluating their assets, transforming them into corporations and placing them in private hands. Financial research Plc. has also done work on the request of the Hungarian Holding Authority and the companies concerned, and has participated in the development of an institutional framework for privatisation, as well as in the elaboration of company and property protection laws. Financial Research Plc. was involved in the transformation and privatisation of almost one hundred companies between 1987 and the turn of the millennium, providing full services ranging from major industry through commerce to infrastructure.
Besides this, requests from government bodies, banks and later local municipal councils have been important since the early years, in which regard studies have been produced dealing primarily with budgetary and monetary policy, capital markets and investments, and individual economic development issues. Our main partners have been the Ministry of Economy, Transport and Telecommunications, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Hungarian Privatisation and State Holding Company, the Treasury Property Directorate, the Hungarian Development Authority, the Hungarian Competition Authority, the Hungarian Financial Supervisory Authority, Hitelgarancia Inc. (Credit Guarantee), the Kereskedelmi és Hitelbank (Commercial and Credit Bank), the Hungarian Development Bank, the CIB Bank, the Allianz Hungary Insurance Company and road management directorates. In offering consultancy services to local governments, besides working with large Budapest companies (the Metropolitan Sewage Works, the Metropolitan Gas Works, the Centralised Heating Works, the Water Works, the Budapest Transport Company), we have also received commissions from Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County, and the cities of Székesfehérvár and Nyíregyháza.
Our most important business consultancy fields:
Corporate consultancy
- Financial analysis, auditing and corporate financing
- Evaluation of assets
- Company organisation and privatisation
- Mergers and company acquisitions
- Competition supervision procedures
- Bank market analyses
Government consultancy
- Mechanism for financing and operation of the state budget
- Monetary policy and banking system
- State holding management
- Economy development, financing SME-s and state funding
- Capital market analysis
- Competition regulation
Local government consultancy
- Control and financing of public utility companies
- Financial planning and local government budgets