“Innovation and internationalisation of SMEs in Hungarian technology-related service industries”, at Networking and Innovation Workshop, 26 November 2013, Budapest.
“Usefulness of SSH PhD Graduation in Hungary: First results of the POCARIM project” (co-author: Dr. Inzelt Annamária), at 26th CHER Conference, 9-11 September 2013, Lausanne
“Usefulness of SSH PhD Graduation in Hungary” (co-author: Dr. Inzelt Annamária), at Triple Helix XI Conference, 8-10 July 2013, London.
“Innovation and Internationalisation of Hungarian SMEs”, at 8th WERI Annual Conference onFostering Innovation and Competitiveness in the EU at National and Regional Level, 6-7 June 2013, Warsaw.
„A kutatás-fejlesztés értékelése az Európai Unióban és Magyarországon” (R&D evaluation in the European Union and in Hungary), Konferencia „A magyarországi és nemzetközi kutatási és fejlesztési teljesítmény mérési módszereiről” (Conference on the measurement of Hungarian and international R&D performance), 4 December 2012, Veszprém.
„Kooperáció és verseny. Hálózatok az innovációs rendszerben” (Cooperation and competition. Networks in the innovation system), Innovációs Rendszerek – Elmélet, politikák és mikroszereplők (Innovation systems - Theory, policies and actors), 29-30 November 2012, SZTE, Szeged.
„Nemzetköziesedés kicsiben: Technológiaintenzív szolgáltató KKV-k esete” (Internationalisation in small: The case of technology intensive service SMEs), MTA – IBS: Terepkutatás a magyar gazdaságban (Empirical research on the Hungarian economy), 16-17 November 2012, Budapest.
“University-industry linkages: servicing or showing the way forward? The case of Regional University Knowledge Centre for Vehicle Industry”, Conference on Innovation Systems and the New Role of Universities, 5-6 September 2011, Bristol.
“Internationalisation of Hungarian SMEs in the IT industry”, 9th Triple Helix Conference, 11-14 July 2011, Stanford.
„Regional University Knowledge Centres: in search for regional benefits”, 10th E. Galvanauskas International Conference „Increasing Regional Competitiveness: Interaction Between Science and Business (Theoretical Approach)”, 18-19 November 2010, Siauliai.
“Regional University Knowledge Centres: a comparison between the Hungarian automotive and ICT industries”, 8th Triple Helix Conference, 20-22 October 2010, Madrid.
“The role of R&D and innovation networks in enhancing the scientific and technological capabilities of Hungarian enterprises. Knowledge networks in the Hungarian automotive industry”, International Symposium on Global Manufacturing and China, 4-9 September 2009, Hangzhou.
“Regional University Knowledge Centres: the Hungarian Government’s attempt to enhance university-industry collaboration. Cases in the ICT industry”, 7thTriple Helix Conference, 17-19 June 2009, Glasgow.
„The role of R&D networks in strengthening knowledge base and R&D capabilities: The case of Regional University Knowledge Centre for Vehicle Industry”, International Innovation Conference for Co-operation Development (InCoDe), 16-18 October 2008, Pécs.
„The role of R&D networks in strengthening knowledge base and local R&D capabilities: The case of regional university knowledge centre for vehicle industry”, PRIME: Europe-Latin America Conference on Science and Innovation Policy, 24-26 September 2008, Mexico City.
„Building knowledge base through R&D networking: Enterprises in the Regional University Knowledge Centre for Vehicle Industry”, Globelics Academy, 2-13 June 2008, Tampere
“The role of R&D networks in upgrading science and technology performance in Hungary”, DIME-DIMETIC Session on Regional and Policy Dimensions of Innovation and Growth, 2-13 July 2007, Pécs.
„Social embeddedness of R&D and innovation networks: the case of AVVC”, 4thPRIME PhD Conference, 21-23 June 2007, Budapest
„The role of R&D networks in upgrading domestic RTDI capabilities”, 2007 PRIME Pisa Annual Meeting PhD Poster Competition, 3. Prize Winner, 29 January - 1 February 2007, Pisa.
„The role of networks in upgrading R&D and innovation capabilities in Hungary”,3rd PRIME PhD Conference, 14-16 June 2006, Copenhagen.
“Networking with universities: changing university-industry linkages”, 2ndPRIME PhD Summer School, 4-8 July 2005, Budapest.
“The R&D Evaluation Toolbox: literature review”, Student presentation at the English-language PhD course of University of Pécs, 2 June 2005, Pécs.
„Hungarian R&D at the light of EU Benchmarking” (co-author: Inzelt A.), PRIME – STEPS Seminar on S&T and Innovation Indicators, 10-12 October 2004, Kyiv.
“The role of networks in the diffusion of S&T and innovation in Hungary”, 1stPRIME PhD Summer School, 4-9 July 2004, Madrid.
“A magyar K+F nemzetközi összehasonlításban” (Hungarian R&D in international comparison) , BKÁE TTK Jubilee Mini-conferences: Central- and Eastern Europe in the European Research Area, 15 April 2004, Budapest.