Der Spiegel - The Euro Crisis in Figures - 10 July 2010
The German Der Spiegel's graphics on the crisis of the euro-zone.
The German Der Spiegel's graphics on the crisis of the euro-zone.
PRAGUE?The new Czech central bank governor said uncertainty surrounding the euro zone in the wake of the Greek debt crisis is so great that there is no point considering adopting the common currency for now and expressed serious reservations about possible new Europe-wide regulations.
Full article (as of 10 July 2010)
For presentations of the Conference click HERE!
IKU Innovation Research Centre and Financial Research Plc
are glad to invite you to a workshop on
"Innovation in the public sector"
Budapest Business School, 1055 Budapest Markó u. 29-31. Budapest, Hungary
Date: 27-28 May, 2010
The event takes place in English with Hungarian interpretation on request.
Excerpt, for full text see attached pdf.
Pénzügykutató Zrt. and ALLIANZ Hungária Biztosító Zrt. are pleased to invite you to their joint conference
10 AM Thursday, 26 November 2009
Great Hall of Allianz Hungária
(1st floor, 52 Bajcsy-Zsilinszky St, 1054 Budapest)
We look forward to seeing you!
10.00 AM - Opening address
Gordon Bajnai, Prime Minister of Hungary